AGE and Pictures

hoo boy /this is some old hooch / know what i mean / slick

Brought him to me
Came out of me
Sound of God
destroy world
tears fall black
touch others
the love'd touch them
but they didn't realize
"Let go" love of god wanted
another in the airport
In my closet the light
creeps I gave it

Ghost world

Looks for the house. only smooth walls your not suprised. We love snakes. Wet scales and grass between. All our bodies. pressure fades everything to patterns. Our lives ended. we didn't make the joke. Lay awake. The night is missing
any senses. No color to your hand. The joke was a column. Lights and wires. This sleep. Is this deep or didn't we make it. Something to say or not. I rolled over twice. You were gone. A new world. No column. Simple things: no words. Creep vine. Snake liked The wine.

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